On those inevitable sluggish mornings, it can take more than a little coaxing to get yourself out of bed, let alone to the gym! But here’s the good news: Willpower goes a long way. The next time a lazy day rolls around, let these quotes inspire you to hit the Pilates mat rather than the snooze button.
Pilates Quotes by Joseph Pilates
Pilates Quotes by Celebrities
General Fitness Quotes
Jim Rohn
If you’re still not inspired to get moving, this should do the trick: People who exercise regularly are generally happier and experience less stress. Given exercise’s body-mind-spirit benefits, why not stop by the studio today for a Pilates, GYROTONIC® or GYROKINESIS® class?
If you’re interested in taking your Pilates skills to the next level by becoming a trained Pilates instructor, click here!